Sunday, August 31, 2014

Human Life-Don't Miss The Boat

Mayapura, October 5, 1975
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Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Prabhupada: ...only here I have seen. All the islands on the Pacific and Indian Ocean are all potential. Philippines, very... The Philippine boys, I saw, very nice. They are not guided. Fiji also.Prabhupada: Fiji. Fiji also. Fiji, mostly Indian, but the original Fiji Fijians, they are also very nice.
Cyavana: What about Bali? There are also many...
Prabhupada: Bali, there are practically Hindus. Yes. Everywhere. The soul is pure. They have been made impure by misleading.
Cyavana: All the outside influences are also here trying to make propaganda.
Prabhupada: Just like here, this is maya influence. These things should be stopped.
Cyavana: The Chinese come and make propaganda. The Russians come and make propaganda. The Americans come and make propaganda. They become confused what to do.
Prabhupada: The climate is nice. There is good potential for producing food, keeping cows. Everything nice.
Devotee: It is all volcanic. The soil here is all from volcano, volcanic soil, very rich.
Prabhupada: Oh? Volcanic or not volcanic, purnam idam [Isopanisad, Invocation]. When it is created by Lord, it is complete. You are originally from India? No.
Indian boy (2): No, Mauritius.
Indian boy (1): Our father from India.
Prabhupada: All of you? Bihar? No.
Indian boy (1): Bihar, yes, Bihar.
Prabhupada: [break] also known as Magadha. Magadha. That is the... Candragupta and others, they were reigning in Bihar, emperor of India. Jarasandha also belonged to Bihar. [ ...a great scientist?
Cyavana: Yes, I studied.
Prabhupada: How this sand is made?
Cyavana: From the rocks it is... They call it weathering. The weather makes it ground up from the rocks. This is their theory.
Prabhupada: No.
Pusta Krsna: Isn't it shells from the animals?
Cyavana: Some. Some from rocks, coral.
Prabhupada: It is made from salt. It is called sodium silicate. (laughter)
Cyavana: They say this is combination of shells, coral, and rocks, ground up.
Prabhupada: No, no.
Pusta Krsna: But if it's salt, Prabhupada, our experience of salt is generally that it dissolves in water, isn't it?
Prabhupada: Silicate there is.
Indian boy (2): Salt and silicate.
Prabhupada: You know something of science?
Indian boy (2): Some.
Prabhupada: It is melted in fire and glass is made.
Cyavana: It becomes clear.
Prabhupada: No, that you have to add chemicals.
Cyavana: Oh. [break]
Prabhupada: Hawaii, on the beach side, there are many, many coconut, eh?
Harikesa: Hm.
Cyavana: Many of them have been ripped up by the cyclone, pine trees and coconut trees.
Prabhupada: In Hawaii there is no cyclone, I think. Hm?
Harikesa: No.
Prabhupada: Why?
Harikesa: They have a volcano on one island. There is one volcano that goes every twelve years.
Prabhupada: Here there is any volcano, on this island?
Cyavana: Nothing left.
Indian boy (2): Only once. Once we had. The island has been created by a volcano itself. And then afterwards, they have no volcano. There are craters.
Cyavana: [break] ...volcano? There was a volcano here?
Indian boy (2): Yes.
Cyavana: When? Huh?
Indian boy (2): A crater, it...
Indian man (3): We are not so sure.
Cyavana: Recently it came up?
Indian man (3): No, we are not so sure because before human settlement in Mauritius.
Indian boy (2): No, but it is... [break] ...please tell us about the creation of the earth.
Prabhupada: Hm?
Indian boy (2): Creation, how... About the creation. I have read it from Bible too, about Adam and Eve. Do you think that it's true?
Prabhupada: What is the idea of Adam?
Indian boy (2): God has created him.
Prabhupada: So the same process is mentioned in Vedas. God created Brahma, and he created this universe.
Indian boy (2): All which we can see on the earth have been created by...
Prabhupada: Brahma.
Indian boy (2): Brahma. Who is Brahma?
Prabhupada: Brahma is the first creature in the universe, created by God. He came from the navel.
Indian boy (2): Therefore, by himself he could create everything, Swamiji?
Prabhupada: Who?
Indian boy (2): Brahma himself? He is only one...
Prabhupada: Yes. He was empowered.
Indian boy (2): He was only one person.
Prabhupada: Empowered by God. God created Brahma, and he was empowered to create the universe.
Indian boy (2): There should not have been two people, a female and male?
Prabhupada: Hm?
Indian boy (2): There should not have been two people, a male and a female, to create everything?
Prabhupada: Yes, male and female.
Indian boy (2): Then, apart from Brahma, there would have been something else.
Prabhupada: No, Brahma created male and female.
Indian boy (2): Oh, he himself created it from...?
Prabhupada: From his ear, from his eyes, from his..., like that. From many parts of his body.
Indian man (3): Swamiji, there is something quite confusing.
Prabhupada: Hm?
Indian man (3): Lord Krsna created Lord Visnu, and Lord Visnu in His turn created Lord Brahma. So...
Prabhupada: Not created, expanded. Just like one candle is burning, and you lit up another candle. So this candle is not created, it is simply power transfer. Expansion. You can call it expansion. Diparcir eva hi dasantaram abhyupetya [Bs. 5.46]. Expansion of the light. This is, contains iodine, this ship. Iodine. That ship is going or coming?
Cyavana: Going. But he's sitting.
Prabhupada: Oh, it is standing.
Cyavana: It's sitting, yes.
Indian boy (2): Swamiji, do you think that Bible, about the Adam, Adam is Brahma? It has been copied from the Indian philosophy to put it there in different name?
Prabhupada: From historical point of view it is copied because Vedas are created by Brahma long, long, many millions, millions of years, and Bible is created two thousand years. So we have to take the original. All religious system of the world, they are taken from Vedas, from different parts. Therefore they are not complete. The age of Bible is not more than two thousand years. The age of Veda you cannot calculate, millions and millions of years.
Pusta Krsna: Why is it, Prabhupada, that in earlier parts of the Kali-yuga no one like yourself came throughout the rest of the world and preached Krsna consciousness?
Prabhupada: Huh? Preached? Caitanya Mahaprabhu preached. His descendant preached. Why do you say no one preached?
Pusta Krsna: But throughout the rest of the world, places like Japan and Australia...
Prabhupada: Your calculation of the world. If it is preached anywhere, that is preached on the world. It was not spread, you can say, but it was preached.
Cyavana: The seed was planted.
Prabhupada: Yes.
Harikesa: They were saving it for you.
Prabhupada: For you also.
Pusta Krsna: I think they had their hands full with India. They had their hands full with India, all of the preachers.
Prabhupada: Yes. What they are collecting?
Harikesa: Crabs, I think. Crabs.
Indian man (4): Swamiji? It is prohibited to consume, consume flesh, meat. It's because there is soul in the body and if we kill it, therefore we are doing a sin. I think it's because that we can't consume meat according to the Vedic literature. But what about plants, Swamiji?
Prabhupada: Plants also, you... They are also killed. They are also killed. But this is... Plants are killed by the order of Krsna. Therefore you are not responsible.
Indian man (4): Therefore, if we say that we can kill some animal by the order of Krsna...
Prabhupada: Yes, then you are not responsible. Suppose I kill one snake by the stick. The stick is not responsible; I am responsible.
Indian man (4): When do you think that you'd know that Krsna is responsible and not our...
Prabhupada: You learn from the sastra. You learn from Bhagavad-gita what Krsna says and do it. Then you are not responsible for anything. Just like there is lawbook. If you act... (aside:) Don't keep so near. ...act according to lawbook, then you are not criminal. If you violate the lawbook, then you are criminal. Similarly, what Krsna says, that is recorded in the sastra, especially in the Bhagavad-gita. So you act what is said in the Bhagavad-gita; then you remain free from all sinful reaction. Yajnarthat karmano 'nyatra loko ya karma-bandhanah. Yajnarthat means for Krsna. Whatever you do, that's all right. Otherwise you are become bound up by the reaction. Anyatra karma-bandhanah. Karma-bandhanah means you are bound up by the reaction. So therefore you have to act according to Krsna. That is Krsna conscious. If you act differently, then you are responsible.
Indian man (4): How would you know what to consume and what not, Swamiji?
Prabhupada: That is stated in the sastra. Krsna says, patram puspam phalam toyam yo me bhaktya prayacchati [Bg. 9.26]. Patram means vegetable, leaves; puspam, flower. In this way, whatever He says, you collect and offer to Him and take prasadam. Then you are not responsible. And if you collect for yourself even patram without offering to Krsna, if you take, you are responsible for killing. It doesn't matter whether you kill a big animal or a small plant. You are responsible. Just like a soldier. He kills hundreds and thousands of men and he is given gold medal. And as soon as he kills one man for his sense gratification he is hanged. Eh? Is it not? He can say, "I have killed so many men. At that time I was not hanged. I was given gold medal. How is that? (laughter) I have killed only one man. I am going to be hanged?" That is law. You cannot do anything on your own account, sense gratification. Then you are responsible. Yajnarthat karmano 'nyatra loko 'ya karma-bandhanah. Everything is stated. Read Bhagavad-gita very thoroughly and try to understand. Then everything will be clear, how to live, how to organize society. We have to live. The same thing: we are also working, we are also eating, we are sleeping, we are also marrying -- but according to Krsna's direction. Then it is Krsna conscious life and perfect life. And as soon as you do anything whimsically, at your will, then you are responsible. Krsna or His representative. Krsna is giving instruction, and His representative is explaining. In both ways Krsna is helping. So even so much facility being offered to you, if you don't take advantage, then you are committing suicide. Atmaha. Atmaha. Just like the sea is now calm and quiet. If you want to go somewhere, take advantage of it. And if you start your boat while it is cyclone, then you'll be drowned. So Krsna has left the book of instruction, Bhagavad-gita. It is favorable condition. And the spiritual master is the captain, and you take advantage. Your, this human body is a good boat. So good boat, favorable condition, good captain -- take advantage of crossing this ocean. Otherwise you are committing suicide. Daivi hy esa gunamayi mama maya duratyaya [Bg. 7.14]. It is very difficult to cross over this ocean of nescience, but these are the favorable conditions. One should take advantage of these favorable conditions and cross over this ocean of nescience.
Devotee (5): Many people, they don't want to accept a captain. They want to go all alone.
Prabhupada: Let them be drowned. Who can check them? If they do not accept good captain, let them be drowned. There is no regret for them. Let them go to hell. They are going, actually. For their dog's obstinacy they are going to hell. Adanta-gobhir visatam tamisram [SB 7.5.30]. This is stated. Because they cannot control their senses they are going to hell.
Indian man (4): Swamiji, is there any hell, or rather this is hell...?
Prabhupada: Yes, yes. Why not? Why not?
Indian man (4): Above the world or in the world?
Prabhupada: Huh? You know everything, where, what is where? Do you know? Then why do you ask this question? There is. There is. There is planet, hellish planet.
Indian man (4): I don't know, I have thought about this, that the hell of the pradas(?) exists only in this world itself.
Prabhupada: Because you are the frog of the well. The frog of the well thinks, "This well is everything." And if you say, "There is Atlantic Ocean," he cannot imagine, the frog of the well. You know frog of the well?
Indian man (4): Yes, yes.
Prabhupada: A three-feet well, and a frog is there and he is thinking, "This is everything." And some friend comes and informs, "Oh, I have seen very big water, Atlantic." He simply imagines, "Oh? It's big? How much big? One feet more? All right, two feet. All right, three feet," like that. So the frogs in the well, they cannot understand. You should be not a frog in the well; you should be liberal to hear from the authorities, Vedas. Then you will understand. And if you remain a frog in the well... All these rascal scientists, they are all frog in the well. They have got little calculation of this planet, and they have no information of... There are so many millions of planets. What do they know? They cannot, could not study even this moon planet. Wrongly study. The moon planet is above the sun planet, 1,000,600,000 miles above. What do they know? They are thinking the moon planet is in between the earth and the... So the all wrong calculation.
Indian man (4): Swamiji, it has been said just as we act... We take birth according to our action. So if we have done something we must take birth according to the law of God.
Prabhupada: You must take birth. That is a fact. You cannot avoid it. But according to your karma you have to take birth.
Indian man (4): This means that you pay what you have wrote. Yes, eh? Therefore do you think that...
Prabhupada: Suppose when your, this shirt is torn, you have to purchase one shirt. Now, that shirt you have to purchase according to your price. If you have good price, then you get a good shirt. If you have no money, then you get a bad shirt. That's all.
Indian man (4): I wanted to say this, Swamiji, that hell also is situated in this world itself, because where do you think that we can pay our debt?
Prabhupada: Hm?
Indian man (4): The sin, the debt of our sin. Where do you think that we pay it? In the hell, which is not...
Prabhupada: Hell is the place for your punishment.
Indian man (4): Therefore it is on the earth itself.
Prabhupada: Why earth?
Indian man (4): In the planet earth, no?
Prabhupada: No. It can be...
Indian man (4): In any planets?
Prabhupada: ...many millions miles away.
Indian man (4): But it is not locate... Only hell is located in one place or a prada(?) is located in another place? Do you think so, Swamiji?
Prabhupada: Yes. Yes. There are different planets.
Indian man (4): There are many people who suffer in this world itself.
Prabhupada: So they are first of all trained up in that hellish planet and then they come here to suffer the same standard of life.
Indian man (4): When our soul gets out from our body, it goes to the hell or...
Prabhupada: Hellish planet.
Indian: ...hemisphere or it take birth immediately afterwards?
Prabhupada: Yes. Those who are sinful, they do not take immediately birth. They first of all trained up in the hellish planet how to suffer to become accustomed and then they are taken birth, then suffer. Just like you pass I.A.S. Then you become an assistant to the magistrate. You learn. Then you are posted as magistrate. Even if you are fit for going back to home, back to Godhead, you are first of all transferred to the universe where Krsna is now present, and there you become accustomed. Then you go to real Vrndavana.
Indian man (4): Therefore, after our death...
Prabhupada: Every arrangement by God is perfect. Purnam. Purnam adah purnam idam purnat purnam.. [Isopanisad, Invocation]. Whatever is created by God, that is perfect.
Pusta Krsna: All the associates of Lord Caitanya also were in the same position.
Prabhupada: Yes.
Pusta Krsna: Liberated souls. Does Lord Caitanya always appear just after Krsna?
Prabhupada: Hm.
Pusta Krsna: In every universe.
Prabhupada: Hm. [break] All questions are answered or not yet? Make it clear.
Indian: Yes. I am thinking about it.
Prabhupada: [break] ...the science of Krsna consciousness and educate your men on this island and be happy. There is good potency for this island.
Cyavana: Yes.
Prabhupada: Don't be misled by the misleaders.
Cyavana: There are many of them here also.
Prabhupada: [break] in the understanding and help your people. That is good service.
Devotee (6): Srila Prabhupada, I was asked a question by a man. He asked that Lord Siva... Lord Ramacandra was praying to Lord Siva in the Ramayana, and so he's taking Lord Siva as being God. And we didn't have a clear answer to him.
Prabhupada: Hm?
Devotee (6): Could you just instruct us on this matter, why...
Prabhupada: Lord Ramacandra worshiped His devotees. Just like sometimes Krsna worships Radharani and touched His feet..., Her feet. That does not mean that Krsna... Just like Krsna was tolerating ear pulling by mother Yasoda. That does not mean that mother Yasoda is the Supreme. Hm? Krsna was carrying the wooden shoes of Nanda Maharaja. So that does not mean Nanda Maharaja is greater than Krsna. It is Krsna's pleasure. Just like sometimes a father takes the son on the shoulder, carries. Does it mean the father is inferior than the son? So this is third-class man's conclusion. They do not know what is Krsna, what is Rama. Krsna says that aham adir hi devanam [Bg 10.2]. So He is the origin of Lord Siva. So how Siva can be the Supreme? We have to consult sastra. Krsna does not say that Siva is Supreme. So if a third-class man says Siva is Supreme, we have to accept it? We are preaching Krsna consciousness. Whatever Krsna says, that is Supreme, not a third-class man's version. Is it clear? Yes. We should not take a third-class, fourth-class man's version. We should take from the sastra.
Indian man (7): Swamiji, Siva is not another name of God?
Prabhupada: Yes. Siva is next to God. Just like yogurt, dahi. You know dahi? What is this dahi? Milk. But it is not milk. Dahi is not anything but milk, but it is not milk. Similarly, Lord Siva is nothing but Visnu, but it is not Visnu. Is it clear now? You can say, "Well, dahi is nothing but milk." Yes. But it is not milk. If instead of milk you take dahi, the result will be different. And if you take milk instead of dahi, that is..., that will be different, although the milk and dahi is the same thing, same ingredients. So you have to understand in that way. Lord Siva is nondifferent from the Supreme Lord. Everyone is nondifferent from Supreme Lord, but he's still different. This is the perfect philosophy, acintya-bhedabheda, simultaneously one and different.
Indian man (7): Swamiji, in all the temples in Mauritius, the supreme deity...
Prabhupada: Supreme Deity is Visnu.
Indian man (7): But we consider Lord Siva to be the supreme deity because we...
Prabhupada: But that is your lack of knowledge. I have already explained that, that yogurt is not different from milk. It is milk but still, it is not milk. You have to understand like that. Lord Siva is not different from Visnu, but he's still not Visnu.
Indian man (7): No, but do we offer the prayer first to Siva...?
Prabhupada: That you do. There is no harm. Lord Siva is also called Mahadeva. Amongst the demigods, he is the chief. So if you worship Lord Siva... We also worship Siva. It is not that we disrespect Siva. We offer our utmost respect to Lord Siva. But that does not mean that he is the Supreme Lord.
Indian man (7): The difference that is there, Swamiji...
Prabhupada: Difference I have already explained. You cannot understand?
Indian man (7): No, no, we pray Siva first and then we go to pray Krsna.
Prabhupada: So that you do. There is no harm. There is no harm. But you should understand what is Siva and what is Visnu. If you offer first prayer to Lord Siva, there is no harm. It is good. He is... Vaisnavanam yatha sambhuh. He is our spiritual master. He is Vaisnava. Why not offer first respect to him? But if you take Lord Siva as the Supreme, that is insult. You are giving me respect as spiritual master, but if you give me overestimation, that "You are the king of the whole world," that is insult. That is insult. That is not prayer. If you offer me prayer as I am befitting, then it is all right. But if you give me prayer for which I am not befitting, that is insult. That is insult. So you must know what is the position of... Lord Siva is Vaisnava. He is the greatest devotee. He is the number-one demigod, and everything is all right. But if you say that he is the Supreme, then he will feel insulted, that "What is this nonsense saying?" So don't insult him in that way. That will go against your credit. He doesn't like that.
Devotee (6): Also one other question came up from this man.
Prabhupada: A man may ask so many nonsense. A man is that, imperfect man. Why you bother about that? Man is imperfect. You have to take conclusion from the sastra. A man may say anything nonsense. What we have got to do with him? He is a man, after all, imperfect man. So what is the value of his statement?
Indian man (7): So he's a man and he's imperfect that he asks questions from you... No, Swamiji.
Prabhupada: No. If he submissively asks to know, then we can explain. If he challenges, then he should be avoided. He's a rascal. He does not know what is what.
Brahmananda: Yesterday at that meeting they were challenging.
Prabhupada: Huh?
Brahmananda: Some of the men yesterday...
Prabhupada: So I replied in that way, yes, that "Why you put these ridiculous questions?"
Cyavana: Yes. Before he asked it.
Harikesa: That's what he could not understand, that you knew he was a... (laughter)
Prabhupada: The other man I said, "Why do you bring India? Never... Krsna never said, 'yada yada hi Hindu dharmasya glanir...' (laughter) Nonsense, what is this? Dharmasya glanir bhavati. Why do you bring 'Hindu dharma,' India?" That is their imperfectness of knowedge. We are not talking of Hindu dharma, Muslim dharma, this dharma. We are talking of what is religion. Dharmam tu saksad bhagavat-pranitam [SB 6.3.19]. Religion means the law given by God. You should know what is God, what is that law. That is religion.
Devotee (6): They all think we are propagating Hindusim because we're wearing dhoti...
Prabhupada: They are thinking. They are rascals. They are thinking like that. Therefore I say they are imperfect. They are imperfectly thinking. So... So there were many Muslims, and the Christian, that Scotland man, he appreciated.
Cyavana: Yes.
Prabhupada: So we do not say anything about any particular section. We are speaking about God. God does not belong to any section. When Krsna said that there should be four divisions, catur-varnyam maya srstam [Bg. 4.13], He does not say that these divisions should be in the Hindu society or in India. He never says so. So why they take it as Hindu? Krsna does not say that it is meant for the Hindus, for India. If God says that "I have created the sun," does it mean sun is created for India, not for this island? So these are foolishness. Whatever is spoken by God, that is meant for everyone, all over the universe. That is real understanding.
Pusta Krsna: It's in the American Constitution that all men are created equally.
Prabhupada: Yes. That is real idea!
Pusta Krsna: So they complain that "If all men are created equally, then each man will have equal opportunity."
Prabhupada: Yes. You can become a brahmana. Equal oppor... We are giving. Any man, he may be candala but we give them opportunity: "Come on, you become a brahmana." We don't deny: "Oh, you are coming from a candala family. You cannot become brahmana." No. We don't say that. We give equal opportunity. [break] that before this movement, really Vedic culture was never broadcast. Therefore they are finding somewhere contradiction, something astonishing. But Vedic culture is meant for the whole world.
Pusta Krsna: It has been misrepresented.
Prabhupada: Yes. [break] ...the other day, before Mr. Nanda, that how brahmana can be from any family. He did not know. No rascal informed him before me. Therefore he was a little surprised. He was also mixed with Anandamaya, this maya, that... And nobody informed him. He was kept in darkness. That was the first time that he could understand that catur-varnyam maya srstam [Bg. 4.13] -- brahmana can be prepared from anywhere. The whole India is under the impression that brahmana can be prepared..., brahmana is manufactured in India and the son of a brahmana is a brahmana.
Pusta Krsna: This is propagated by the brahmanas themselves, isn't it?
Prabhupada: Whatever it may be, this is the current idea. [break] ...culture is meant for everyone... (end)
>>> Ref. VedaBase => Morning Walk -- October 5, 1975, Mauritius
© 2001 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Dressed Animals--Educated Dogs

Bombay, November 17, 1975
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Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Prabhupada: ...poverty.Dr. Patel: They have nothing to eat all the time. Ninety percent of the peasantry absolutely, completely wiped out during the Britishers' time. They never looked after them.
Prabhupada: No, no. Poverty is the cause of nonretirement?
Dr. Patel: They have nothing to eat. They hardly get, I mean, two meals. Not square but even triangle. (laughs) They don't get any food in the mofices(?).
Prabhupada: What is the question of mofices?(?) I am talking of...
Dr. Patel: India is made up of all villages and mofices(?). Cities are few.
Prabhupada: So that is the cause of nonretirement.
Dr. Patel: I mean to my mind. It may be another cause also. I don't know. What do you think? Lack of proper education?
Prabhupada: Yes. Big, big men like Jawaharlal Nehru, Gandhi, they never retired.
Dr. Patel: Gandhi, as a matter of fact, retired long back. I mean the... As far as I know, he was not a member of the Congress.
Prabhupada: No, no, no. It was everything.
Dr. Patel: That is... You are. You may not be member, but you are everything. They like that. I mean, if I am not wrong.
Prabhupada: What do you mean by retire? Retire means...
Dr. Patel: Retire from the worldly affairs.
Prabhupada: From the worldly affairs. That is retire. We are not sunyavadi. The retirement means...
Dr. Patel: Our religions are dharma, artha, kama and moksa. It is in a continuity. It is a sort of a string. First you have artha...
Prabhupada: The real thing is they do not retire on account of their strong sense of gratification. That is the reason, not that poverty-stricken. Even though poverty-stricken, still they want to enjoy. This is the basic principle. There is nothing to be enjoyed; still, he wants to enjoy. That mentality.
Dr. Patel: Why with all that glorious past and glorious culture they have to... [break]
Prabhupada: ...the principle, varnasrama-dharma.
purusena parah puman
visnur aradhyate pumsam
nanyat tat-tosa-karanam
 [Cc. Madhya 8.58]
Hare Krsna. Jaya. Nanyat tat-tosa-karanam. Tat-tosa means to satisfy Visnu, Krsna. They don't want to do that. They want to satisfy their senses.
Dr. Patel: Our culture was so built as to do work for Krsna throughout the life from brahmacarya, grhastha asrama, vanaprastha...
Prabhupada: But where is the question. Unless...
Dr. Patel: But how they have forgotten this is the greatest, I mean, mystery to me. Because the sadhus voluntarily, I mean, embrace poverty?
Prabhupada: No, no.
Dr. Patel: All those, sir...
Prabhupada: This service to Krsna has disappeared on account of this mayavada philosophy.
Dr. Patel: You think so.
Prabhupada: Yes.
Dr. Patel: And mayavada philosophy was necessary to dislodge the Buddhist, degenerated Buddhism.
Prabhupada: Yes. Sunyavadi. Nirvisesa-sunyavadi. They are practically the same. Buddhists say that everything is zero ultimately. And the Mayavadis say...
Dr. Patel: Mayavadis, sir, have been proved that if everything is zero, who sees the zero? Who sees the zero?
Prabhupada: No, no. Mayavadi says zero, just like the sky. The sky is there, but it is zero. You cannot see the planet.
Dr. Patel: But who sees all these things? That is what...
Prabhupada: And he cannot see; therefore he says it is zero. Just like now you do not see the stars, but it is on account of my deficient vision I do not see, and I say, "It is zero," less intelligent.
Dr. Patel: Apahrta-jnana. Apahrta-jnana.
Prabhupada: Yes. Hare Krsna. Jaya. Apahrta-jnana Mayavadis, they have spoiled the whole thing.
Dr. Patel: Do you think, in your opinion, mayavada was a necessity to undo all the bad effect of the degenerated Buddhism? This followed some three, four or seven hundred years of after Gautama Buddha.
Prabhupada: No, it... It might be necessity for the time being. Buddhism also was a necessity for the time being. They are not for all. Emergency. Just like it is going on, "emergency." It is not necessity, but sometimes we have to take emergency. Otherwise how Vaisnavas are worshiping Lord Buddha? Eh? Nindasi yajna-vidher ahaha sruti-jatam: "You are always deriding the Vedic principles," sruti-jatam. Sadaya-hrdaya-darsita-pasu-ghatam. This is emergency, that "You have become so much compassionate upon the poor animals because they are unnecessarily being killed." Kesava dhrta-buddha-sarira, jaya jagadisa. He is glorifying, kesava dhrta-buddha-sarira, but showing that "You are deriding Vedic principles." So how is that, if one derides Vedic principle, at the same time, jaya jagadisa hare?
Dr. Patel: Because the Vedic principles were not properly understood by those people at that time.
Prabhupada: No, no, no. He directly said, "I don't care for the Vedas." Lord Buddha says. So who will worship a person who directly says, "I don't care for your Vedas"? Shall you go to worship a Buddhist or Mohammedan? No. This is emergency. Sadaya-hrdaya-darsita pasu-ghatam. He cannot deride the Vedic principle, but it was necessary at the time. Otherwise these rascals will not stop.
Dr. Patel: Today, sir, the more animals are being killed than what they were killed in those days in the name of religion. Today it is in the name of the civilization
Prabhupada: Because... No, no. Now there is no religion. "Secular." There is no religion.
Dr. Patel: Don't say no religion. Secularism is irreligious...
Prabhupada: Secular means no religion.
Dr. Patel: Irreligious rather than. No religion is also something good. But something other than religion.
Prabhupada: You may call anything, but there is no religion. Dharmena hina pasubhih samanah. They are animals, that's all. The modern civilized man is nothing but an animal-dressed animal, two-legged animal. The animals are four-legged, and these animals are two-legged, that's all. Or big animal. [break]...varahostra-kharaih samstutah purusah pasuh. The leaders of this modern civilization, they are being praised by other animals. Sva-vid-varahostra-kharaih [SB 2.3.19]. Sva means dog and...
Dr. Patel: Kharah means asses.
Prabhupada: Sva-vid... Vid-varaha means hogs, and ustra means camel, and kharah means gadha, ass. So these leaders are being praised by these animals: dogs, hogs, camels, and asses. And they are thinking they are very big men. What is the value of prayers offered by dogs, hogs, asses and camels? The general people are dogs, hogs, camels. I think you have read. I have explained how they are camel, how they are dog, how they are hog, and how they are ass. I have explained this.
Yasomatinandana: That's the Second Canto.
Prabhupada: Yes. The modern education means to create dogs. The dog goes door to door and moves the tail, "Please give me if you have anything." So this educated person with application goes, and they say, "No vacancy. Get out." Therefore they are dogs. Educated means dogs. They are creating dogs. In Vedic culture no brahmana will accept any job. No ksatriya will accept any job. No vaisya will accept any... Only sudras. Only sudras.
Dr. Patel: Now they are keeping dogs in their kitchens.
Prabhupada: Yes. Doggish mentality is there.
Dr. Patel: You see, the people are spending more than thirty, forty rupees on a dog every day. But they won't pay two rupees to a servant, domestic servant in their home.
Prabhupada: They are keeping servants also. But educated dogs. After passing so many examinations, they are seeking after master. And without master they will starve. This is doggish mentality. A big technologist, unless he gets a good job, he is nothing but dog.
Dr. Patel: He has got no means to further his technology. He must have some means to further his own technology in the modern times, sir. It is very difficult to further your technology without proper means, instruments.
Prabhupada: On the principle it is dog's business. Unless you get a master, you are useless. So that is dog's business. Just like these dogs here on the beach. Because they have no master, they are forlorn, only barking and going here, there. Sanatha jivitah. So we are, every one of us, we are now dogs of the material nature, or just like street dogs. So therefore... Hare Krsna. Therefore we should take shelter of the big master, Krsna. Then it will be all right. Jaya. Hare Krsna. [break] ...eva caran nirantaram. This is Yamunacarya's prayer. Bhavantam eva caran nirantaram. Hare Krsna. Jaya. Bhavantam eva caran nirantaram prasanta-nihsesa-gato... Prasanta-nihsesa-gato-manantaram. Hare Krsna. Jaya. [break] ...all right? No. Not yet. You are feeling all right? No.
Ambarisa: Yes, feeling all right. Yes. [break]
Indian man (1): Coconut tree along this side. Prabhupada asking.
Ambarisa: [break] ...warm weather in Florida.
Prabhupada: Huh? In Honolulu. That means it depends on weather also, not only seaside. [break]
Lokanatha: We chant, "Gaura Nityananda bol, haribol, haribol..."
Prabhupada: That is all right.
Lokanatha: "Gaura sri advaita..." Is it recommended by you? That is in our parampara? And what about "jaya jagannatha, jaya jagannatha"?
Prabhupada: Yes. That's all right. [break] ...anukirtanam, to chant always the Lord's name. So these are Lord's name. Jagannatha is also Lord's name. Nityananda is also Lord's name. [break] ...harer nama harer nama eva kevalam [Cc. Adi 17.21]. So harer nama can be chanted.
Lokanatha: But chanting in that particular fashion, saying "jaya jagannatha, jaya jagannatha."
Prabhupada: Yes. Chanting means glorifying. "jaya jagannatha." "Please engage me." (to passerby:) Hare Krsna. Jaya.
Indian man (2): South Indian community brahmanas have spread all over Bombay now.
Prabhupada: Eh?
Indian man (2): South Indian community brahmanas and in Goregon, Mullan, Timpu, Nartinga(?), everywhere. In a year they have about eight to ten saptahams are there. Saptahams. The Narayani and that Nepuk Odhari(?), that children are chanting every day all these things. (indistinct) And the saptaham (indistinct) [break]
Dr. Patel: He saw the people are coming. And then he was climbing on the top of the roof and shouting, "My boys are not coming?" "They will come. Don't worry."
Prabhupada: Don't bring Ramakrishna as authority.
Dr. Patel: No, but that same thing here. I mean, the people will come.
Prabhupada: They are coming. They are coming. That is another thing. But "People will come; therefore I shall have to sleep," this is not...
Dr. Patel: At least I am coming. (laughs)
Prabhupada: So at night there was work?
Saurabha: Yes, Srila Prabhupada. [break]
Prabhupada: ...government is making secular. That means they think that there is no need of this spiritual education.
Dr. Patel: Sir, the secular means, I mean, respect for all the methods of worship.
Prabhupada: There is no method.
Dr. Patel: But they means secular means no dharma. That is their definition. It is a wrong definition.
Prabhupada: That is a defect of the government, that they do not know what is spiritual life. They have no knowledge. Mudhas. Na te viduh svartha-gatim hi visnum [SB 7.5.31]. They do not know this. They cannot also explain what is the aim of life. That Professor Kotovsky, such a big man, he said, "Swamiji, after death everything is finished."
Dr. Patel: Bhasmi bhutasya sarirasya kutah...
Prabhupada: Yes. This is this philosophy. This philosophy is prominent all over the world. They are... "So long this body is there, enjoy it to the utmost. And after death everything is finished." Bas.
Dr. Patel: Yavaj jivam sukham...
Prabhupada: Sukham jivet.
Dr. Patel: enam krtva ghrtam pibet.
Prabhupada: Kutah punar agamano abhavet.
Nanda-kumara: Harikesa, he is feeling sick. He has a bad headache. [break]
Prabhupada: have come? As soon as he has come, he is feeling headache. (laughter) [break] ...and pain in the stomach is very good disease. Nobody can see. (laughter) If I say, "I am feeling headache," you cannot see. I can sleep very nicely. And pain in the stomach, you cannot see. These two diseases are beyond the physician's limit.
Indian man (3): And these are common disease.
Dr. Patel: No, no, as a matter of fact, if there is a continuous headache, we can give him a number-one needle. Then his head will be cured. Then he will say, "I am all right sir. Now don't do it," with this much of needle inside. [break]
Prabhupada: The first cultural education is how to teach the small children to become purified, brahmacari.
Dr. Patel: In ancient times it was done by association in gurukula.
Prabhupada: Yes. That is required, gurukula. We are starting, therefore, gurukulas. And it is becoming...
Dr. Patel: Gurukula. Kula of guru.
Prabhupada: Yes. Brahmacari gurukule vasan danto guror hitam. This is the beginning. A brahmacari should live in the asrama of guru, danta, self-controlled, and only for the benefit of guru, not for anyone's benefit. Brahmacari guru... They'll go, collect alms, and everything should be delivered to guru.
Dr. Patel: When Krsna was sent to collect the wood.
Prabhupada: Yes. Guror hitam. The brahmacari life means only for the benefit of guru. Everything is there in Bhagavatam.
Dr. Patel: That mode of teaching, I mean...
Prabhupada: That can be introduced.
Dr. Patel: In a different way is there in America, sir. The American professors keep boys with them. They imbibe in them complete spirit of their educa... I mean, their mode of...
Prabhupada: I don't think so.
Dr. Patel: Not this, I mean, the material. But that is the way they do it. That is why their method of education is better than others.
Prabhupada: They drink.
Dr. Patel: Drinking is different story. I talk of the general mode of education, the way.
Prabhupada: No. Here are Americans. Is that the education? I don't think so.
Dr. Patel: No, postgraduate education is like that. Not undergraduate. The postgraduate boys are living in close contact with the professors for the research.
Brahmananda: Only a few schools.
Dr. Patel: Ah, but there are. The research is...
Prabhupada: No, the professor is also drunkard.
Dr. Patel: Then he may be a drunkard.
Brahmananda: They drink together. (laughter)
Dr. Patel: That's right. That is right.
Prabhupada: The professor goes to hell, and the student also goes. (laughter)
Indian man (3): This is their close association.
Dr. Patel: That is the way they...
Prabhupada: So you know that story, that one man was drinking, so his friend told him, "You are drinking. You will go to hell." "Oh, my mother drinks." "Oh, she will also go." "My father drinks." "Oh, he will also go." "My brother drinks." "Oh, he will also go." "Then where is hell?" (laughter) "Father, mother, brother, myself, if we live together, then where is hell?" Hare Krsna. Jaya.
Dr. Patel: That's a fact. Education by association is the superior method, whatever type of education may be.
Prabhupada: Eh?
Dr. Patel: Whatever type of education may be, but that is the real education.
Prabhupada: No, no. Not whatever. This is the education, that the...
Dr. Patel: (Hindi)
Prabhupada: (aside:) Hare Krsna. Jaya. This is education. There is no question of ABCD. First of all brahmacari gurukule vasan dantah. He is to be trained how to become sober and gentle.
Dr. Patel: Self-controlled.
Prabhupada: That is required. That is education. This is not education. They are killing the teachers. They are killing teachers. You do not know?
Dr. Patel: Yes, yes.
Prabhupada: In the examination hall the police is there, and if the guard detects, "Oh, you are taking notes from books," then he will be killed. So many teachers have been killed.
Indian man (3): (Hindi)
Prabhupada: Police, under police they are. I saw in Delhi. One school I went, and the police is there, examination room, but all thieves, rascals. And they are sitting in examination for passing, all rascals.
Dr. Patel: The modern education has become a farce in that dress.
Prabhupada: Farce, yes. No education. Amongst the Marwaris, the respectable gentlemen, they don't send. They keep private teachers, panditas, for learning Sanskrit, English. They know that our, "My boy hasn't got to earn money. He has to sit here. That's all. Why he should be spoiled?" They know very well, "We can purchase these technologists."
Indian man (3): (Hindi)
Prabhupada: Everything farce. There is no education.
Indian man (3): (Hindi)
Dr. Patel: In our time we had so much respect for our teachers and what love teachers had for us. One of my teachers in the school retired some time back and then... [break] They wanted to give him 65,000 rupees because he was a seventy-five years. And when we collected from the old students it came to more than six lakhs of rupees. That was the love of the old students for the teacher in those days. Now it is this.
Prabhupada: [break] ...infection and disinfection also, but you don't take to disinfection. That is our... Here is disinfection, Krsna consciousness movement. Who is going to take it? They will prefer to be infected. [break] ...respectable person will send their children to gurukula. They don't want. I tried in the beginning. It was a failure. They don't want. Just like Prahlada and Hiranyakasipu. What is the trouble? The Prahlada was devotee, and his father did not like him, that "Why you should be devotee? You become politician, diplomat." That is the difficulty, that nowadays everyone is Hiranyakasipu, and he wants that his son should be diplomat, politician, black market and... What is the use of this Prahlada? That is going on, especially in India. [break] Hiranyakasipu, he'll never like to see his son Prahlada. And our system is to make Prahlada. So nobody will like it.
Brahmananda: They had a gurukula here at Hare Krsna Land. Isn't it? And many of the children of the tenants were coming, and they were wearing tilaka. And then they would go home and tell their parents not to eat meat and so on, and the parents became very angry and took their children back. [break]
Prabhupada: ...Hiranyakasipu education, then it is filled up immediately. And if you introduce Prahlada education-vacant. [break] Hm? (laughs) [break] me at night, all you. [break] Who are living?
Giriraja: Our men? One room is for the school, and Yasomat...
Indian man (4): School, gurukula school.
Giriraja: The children. Then Yasomatinandana's wife was staying there, and Bilvamangala and his wife used to stay there.
Prabhupada: Who?
Giriraja: One Bilvamangala and his wife used to stay there. So they've left. And Nayanabhirama and his wife used to stay there and they have left. So actually it could be emptied.
Prabhupada: But I saw yesterday someone living there.
Giriraja: Well, Yasomatinandana's wife is gone.
Gopala Krsna: Yesterday.
Prabhupada: No, there is some Indian woman.
Gopala Krsna: You saw her yesterday?
Prabhupada: Yes.
Giriraja: Well, that's probably Bilvamangala's wife before they moved.
Prabhupada: Oh. [break] ...modern, that the earth comes in front of the moon or the sun and then there is eclipse. Do they not?
Dr. Patel: They, all the scientists also say the same thing, sir. When it comes in the straight line the eclipse...
Prabhupada: No, no, no. I am saying, repeating their word. But why, then, eclipse takes place irregularly?
Dr. Patel: This is a question of simple harmonic motions according to the scientists here who explain it. The simple harmonic motion principle is that several motions are, I mean, going, gathered at a time. Then all of them come together. Then you see that thing occurs.
Prabhupada: No...
Dr. Patel: So that motions are different. The different timings come.
Prabhupada: But that means they do not know actually the motions.
Dr. Patel: And the old astrologers and scientists of India, they have planned it perfectly, when it comes out.
Prabhupada: Our sastra says that it is Rahu's attack. So attack does not come regularly.
Dr. Patel: That you may call allegorically.
Prabhupada: One... Suppose you have got enemy. You are not going to attack regularly, but when there is some opportunity you go to attack. Harer nama [Cc. Adi 17.21].
Dr. Patel: Are we not observing this eclipse rituals, that, during the eclipse we stop aratis and all of this...
Prabhupada: Why?
Dr. Patel: And after the eclipse is over, take bath and then do the arati?
Prabhupada: Yes, they take bath.
Dr. Patel: Even the other Vaisnava mandirs don't do arati during that period if it comes within that...
Prabhupada: Hare Krsna.
Dr. Patel: Some sort of cosmic disturbances must be occuring in the cosmos during this period of grhana(?) or eclipse. We do not know, the modern science. Some movement must be happening.
Prabhupada: Yes. Our sastra says it is attack by Rahu. Rahu...
Dr. Patel: Rahu means...The other side of the earth's shadow is Rahu, as we say. The modern scientists, the Rahu means other side of the shadow. When the sun shines on the earth, the other side of the earth is, I mean, the night and the shadow of the earth is long, drawn up in the cosmos. And in the view of that shadow, if moon comes, then it is caught by the shadow.
Prabhupada: No, in the... Rahu, Rahu... Rahu comes in front...
Dr. Patel: That is... The shadow is the Rahu. What else could be? That shadow of earth in the cosmos is the Rahu, most probably to me, because when the moon... Generally moon does not come so very often therein in the purview of that shadow. When it comes, it gets eclipsed.
Prabhupada: No, no. They give that the earth comes in front of the sun or the moon, therefore the shadow.
Dr. Patel: Earth comes in front of the sun. Then it becomes sun eclipse.
Prabhupada: Yes. So, but why, if the movement is regular, then the earth come regularly.
Dr. Patel: But there are several movements also. The movement of the earth, sun, and moon.
Prabhupada: That means again escaping.
Dr. Patel: All harmonic motions...
Devotee (5): Many shooting stars...
Dr. Patel: Things should be thought scientifically.
Prabhupada: What is the scientifically if you cannot say how many movements are there?
Dr. Patel: All the movements that the heavenly stars and other things are going on in a particular way.
Prabhupada: No, you do not know what are the movements. You therefore say there are several movements, but you do not know what are these movements. That is not scientific. To avoid the explanation, if the scientist says that there are several movements... But you explain what is that movement? According to our sastra there is no individual movement. The whole system is moving, making center the polestar. That we can see at night. They have... Star and planet, they have no separate movement. They are fixed up. Just like this tree. There are so many leaves. The tree is moving, so the leaves and twigs, they are moving, not that the leaf is moving.
Dr. Patel: This is a question of relativity, sir.
Prabhupada: Yes. But that we can see, this...
Dr. Patel: Now, the earth moves round the sun and the moon moves round the earth...
Prabhupada: No, no...
Dr. Patel: And the rate of movement is different on either side. And the axis or ground on which it moves also differs. So when all of them collide or sort of a thing, then eclipse comes. That is the modern understanding.
Prabhupada: And the... When Brahmananda was speaking that word yesterday, I refuted your argument?
Brahmananda: You were asking, "Why is it Sunday, Monday..." So I explained that the sun is the center of the universe; therefore the sun comes first.
Dr. Patel: No, various suns are there. All the stars are the suns of various universes.
Prabhupada: No, we don't accept that. No. Sun is one.
Dr. Patel: That is the fundamental difference of opinion that we don't go ahead of it, sir.
Prabhupada: No, why shall I go according to the dictation of the rascals? We are not so rascal.
Dr. Patel: And now we are define who is a rascal.
Prabhupada: No, rascal is meant, who has no authority. They are changing every day. They are changing. We don't change. These rascals are changing...
Dr. Patel: These fundamentals, sir, cannot be changed.
Prabhupada: In nineteenth century one theory and twentieth century another theory and then another theory, another theory. This is going on.
Dr. Patel: The truth is not changed but...
Prabhupada: Oh, yes, they are changing. You see here... You have not seen that, our Svarupa Damodara's book? He has given: simply changing, simply changing, these rascals. Changing means rascal. He does not know. "It is this. It is this." Another man, "No, no, it is not this. It is this." Therefore all of them rascals.
Dr. Patel: About this Kakubh Kapoor Cakra(?), our scientist, Mihila(?), has planned it, and according to the eclipse and sun and the moon eclipse come. That means his science was perfect. Otherwise it would not come at that particular day, time, and...
Prabhupada: We... Our... Five thousand years ago Sukadeva Gosvami said that "As I have heard it, I am explaining." That means time immemorial, the thing is, same thing is coming. There is no change, not that after few days, "No, no. It was wrong. This is now right." Again somebody comes.
Dr. Patel: They are explaining the truth in their own way. That is the change of theory. But the truth is the same.
Prabhupada: That is the truth of rascaldom, as soon as you change your position.
Dr. Patel: Theory is rascal, but the truth is never rascal.
Prabhupada: No, no, truth you do not know. Therefore rascaldom.
Dr. Patel: They do not know how to explain. Truth is there, sir.
Prabhupada: No, no. Anyway, he does not know. Therefore he is a rascal, either you say this way or that way.
Dr. Patel: Truth is there.
Prabhupada: No, no, truth is there, but they cannot present the truth rightly. That is rascaldom. Truth is there; that is certain. But they cannot present the truth in right way.
Dr. Patel: You mean they are groping in the dark.
Prabhupada: Yes. That is rascal. How things are happening -- every ten years they are changing their theory. And that has been explained by, not by a layman like me. The Dr. Svarupa Damodara, he has explained. He has concluded Darwin's theory completely wrong. You have read that small booklet?
Dr. Patel: Yes.
Prabhupada: And he has given reason, quotation, how simply he's speculator.
Dr. Patel: As a matter of, sir, the whole cosmos is full of, I mean, intelligence. That is God. But then that intelligence is struck in different way to the, what you call the mind, which is embedded in the matter. So, I mean, each one explains it in his own way, as he understands...
Prabhupada: No, no. You cannot explain truth in your own way.
Dr. Patel: The whole truth nobody knows and sees. Even our sastra says.
Prabhupada: Hare Krsna. Things which one does not know, he should not try to cheat others by placing some untruth.
Dr. Patel: It is like five blind men seeing an elephant.
Prabhupada: Yes. So you should not give the conclusion that "Elephant is like..."
Dr. Patel: Then we don't accept... It is very difficult to know the whole truth by any one of us.
Prabhupada: No. Therefore our process is upadeksyanti tad jnanam jnaninas tattva-darsinah. One has seen the truth. Not these rascals. Tattva-darsinah. Darsinah means who has actually seen. There is no change. The advice is tad viddhi pranipatena pariprasnena sevaya [Bg. 4.34]. These are the quotes. Upadeksyanti tad jnanam jnaninas tattva-darsinah. Not that theoretical. Tattva-darsinah. You have to go there. Then you will get knowledge. A blind man goes to another blind man. What is the profit? No profit.
Dr. Patel: Andhena andha-niyatah.(?)
Prabhupada: Ah. Andha yathandhair upaniyamanah [SB 7.5.31]. A blind man must go to a man who has got eyes, who has seen. Then that is right knowledge. Now we are presenting this book, Scientific Basis of Krsna Consciousness. Let anyone come and challenge. Let anyone come. We have got many scientists. They will talk. What is the value of speculation?
Dr. Patel: I think some scientists have talked nonsense before you, so you are... (laughs) All scientists are not like that, sir. (end)
>>> Ref. VedaBase => Morning Walk -- November 17, 1975, Bombay
© 2001 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International.

Don't Speculate--Hear!

Atlanta, March 1, 1975
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Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Prabhupada: ...of Europe and America, everywhere. You know who are mudhas?Tripurari: Yes Srila Prabhupada.
Prabhupada: Who?
Tripurari: Fools and rascals who won't take your books. Sometimes we convince them that the philosophy is very nice, and they agree when we use Lord Krsna's words, dehino 'smin yatha dehe [Bg. 2.13], and they say "Yes, I can understand that, but I don't need your book," or "I would never read it." We say, "Well, no. Take it."
Prabhupada: (chuckles) You ask them, "So you want to remain mudha?"
Tripurari: We say, "No, take it home, and some day you will read it." They think they can find out on their own.
Prabhupada: That is foolishness. They cannot. Mam eva ya prapadyante mayam etam taranti te.
Tripurari: Sometimes they will agree to everything we say, but they will not give a donation. They trust more the man on the T.V.
Prabhupada: This is lake?
Devotee: Yes.
Balavanta: In the Srimad-Bhagavatam you say that the Rahu planet is visible on the full moon night? The Rahu planet?
Prabhupada: No, when there is eclipse.
Balavanta: Oh, eclipse.
Prabhupada: Eclipse means Rahu planet comes in front. (Apparently reads sign:) "No smoking?"
Srutakirti: "No swimming."
Prabhupada: Oh. Who is going to swim now? (laughter) [break]
Tripurari: Once Balavanta was very sick when he was dealing with the politicians, and I heard that you said it was because he..., by touching them and associating with them, he accepted some of their sinful reactions.
Prabhupada: (chuckles) I did not say. (laughter)
Tripurari: No?
Prabhupada: But it may be.
Tripurari: So I was wondering. Sometimes our men on sankirtana, they are shaking hands...
Prabhupada: But you are sankirtana. You cannot be infected. [break] is infected, then preaching will stop. If doctor is infected, then treatment will stop. Doctor is never infected. They have good precautions. Similarly, when you are engaged in sankirtana, maya cannot touch. Mayam etam taranti te. [break]
Tripurari: ...disciples and you accept our karma also. Is that correct?
Prabhupada: Hmm.
Tripurari: That is manifest sometimes in disease on your body?
Prabhupada: Yes.
Tripurari: So our men also are going out and preaching...
Prabhupada: The overloaded.
Dhira-krsna: When we take your books on the library party to the professors at the universities... (fades out)
Srutakirti: This way? Srila Prabhupada, Srila Prabhupada... [break]
Prabhupada: I am surprised how I have written so many, what to speak of them? (laughter) It is all Krsna's mercy.
Dhira-Krsna: One professor the other day was trying to convince one of our boys that you were coming in the disciplic succession and were authorized to translate all these books.
Prabhupada: Yes, that is right.
Dhira-Krsna: Because he was dressed and he didn't know that he was your disciple, so he was saying, "Bhaktivedanta Swami, he is coming in a disciplic line straight from Krsna. That's why he can speak on all these books."
Prabhupada: Yes, that is a fact. That authority I have got. That's a fact. Yasya deve para bhaktir yatha deve tatha gurau, tasyaite kathita hy arthah prakasante [SU 6.23]. They become manifest, all the meanings of the Vedic literature. Yasya deve para bhaktih. (aside:) Don't come very near. [break] ...explaining last evening. Don't speculate, hear. That is the qualification. All others, they are simply speculating. How long their energy will go on, limited energy? How speculating will help them? It is not possible. It is condemned. Athapi te deva,
(athapi) te deva padambuja-
dvaya-prasada-lesanugrhita eva hi
janati tattvam na canya
eko 'pi ciram vicinvan
 [SB 10.14.29]
Ciram vicinvan, speculating for millions of years, one cannot understand.
athapi te deva padambuja-
dvaya-prasada-lesanugrhita eva hi
"One who has received a little mercy of the lotus feet of the Lord, he can understand the truth. Others, even speculating for millions of years, they cannot understand anything." The speculation business is useless in spiritual advance. It may help Darwin to come to the conclusion that man is born from monkey. Because he is from monkey, he thinks others also from monkey. He has admitted that whatever he has given, it is simply a speculation. He has admitted. And all others also speculating. They are trying to manufacture life from chemicals, but they do not know that life is never manufactured. It is already there. Just like this grass is coming. The life is already there. In favorable circumstances it comes out. Udbhija. This is called udbhija. Similarly fermentation. Just like the cockroaches come out... (end)
>>> Ref. VedaBase => Morning Walk -- March 1, 1975, Atlanta
© 2001 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Surrender Now

Mayapura, February 26, 1976
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Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Prabhupada: ...ago Bengali culture was very much adored all over India. Even one big politician, Gandhi's guru, Goke, Gokule, he remarked, "What Bengal thinks today, other provinces will think tomorrow." He said like that. And actually all big, big movements started from Bengal. The national movement also was started from Bengal. Whatever we may criticize Vivekananda, when... He's a Bengali. He went first for preaching Indian religion. Rabindranath Tagore, he's a Bengali. All big, big...Jayapataka: Aurobindo.
Prabhupada: Aurobindo is a Bengali.
Devotee (2): Paramahamsa Yogananda is also a Bengali.
Prabhupada: Yes. You know him?
Devotee (2): I don't know him... (laughter)
Prabhupada: No, no...
Devotee (2): I've heard of him.
Prabhupada: Bengali culture was very much adored. Surendranath Bannerjee started the political movement, and he was so well known. Even in Parliament, the Englishmen, English M.P.'s, he... They were speaking of Surendranath. They used to say "Surrendered not." "Here is a person who is not 'Surrender not.' He'll never surrender. 'Surrender not.' " Actually, the British Empire was startled by the agitation of Surendranath Bannerjee. The Congress was started by Surendranath Bannerjee, this one Congress. Two Bengali and one Englishman started this Congress sometimes in 1887, 1867, like that. So in our childhood we used to see that Surendranath Bannerjee was being elected president of Congress almost every year. And Gandhi came into prominence when Surendranath Bannerjee surrendered. Formerly he was not surrendering. But the government gave him the first ministership, that "You become minister." So he became a government man. Then Gandhi came in prominence. Surendranath Bannerjee was the first minister in India. [break] our childhood, if he would speak, thousands, thousands men will gather in Calcutta. [break] ...Surendranath Bannerjee Road.
Jayapataka: Yes, very prominent road.
Prabhupada: Yes. Where my nephews have shop, Surendranath Bannerjee Road.
Jayapataka: They did not knight him... [break]
Prabhupada: His father was also very big man, Dr. Durgacaran Bannerjee. My sister hus..., Durgacaran Bannerjee, that is Surendranath Bannerjee father. He was a medical man.
Jayapataka: It's a smaller road.
Prabhupada: Eh? Doctor's land, Dr. Durgacaran Bannerjee Road, they belonged to very respectable family of that quarter, Bannerjee family. And Surendranath Bannerjee was the first I.C.S. I.C.S. He passed I.C.S. examination, Indian Civil Service, but he did not accept it. Aurobindo Ghosh was made by Surendranath Bannerjee. He was born in London. Aurobindo Ghosh's father, Manmohan Ghosh, he was a medical man in London. He was born... He's English birth. Well, later on, he became English-hater.
Jayapataka: French-lover.
Prabhupada: Eh?
Jayapataka: Lover of the French.
Prabhupada: He?
Jayapataka: Aurobindo?
Prabhupada: No, who says?
Jayapataka: He always had some French people with him?
Prabhupada: No, no. That... One French girl entrapped him. That woman spoiled him. He was actually practicing yoga very nice. After his release from political entanglement, actually he became a yogi, but this Frenchwoman, who became later on "Mother," she spoiled her ca..., his career. He became a bhogi then. (laughter) Instead of yogi... Otherwise, he was becoming yogi. You'll find from his photo. In the beginning, he was very lean and thin, and later on, when he died, he was very fatty. Means bhogi. [break] ...yogi bhogi, rogi. There are three.
Devotee (3): Rogi.
Prabhupada: Rogi means diseased, and bhogi means flourishing, and yogi means transcendentalist.
Hrdayananda: Rogi.
Hari-sauri: What is...? A yogi passes stool once a day, a bhogi twice and a rogi more.
Prabhupada: Who told you. Eh?
Hari-sauri: That's what we were told when we first joined the temple to stop us over-eating.
Jayapataka: Some devotees were holding their stool for the next day to be a yogi, (laughter) the second time coming. And getting stomachache.
Prabhupada: Is it a fact?
Jayapataka: Yes.
Prabhupada: Accha?
Jayapataka: I heard... They thought that was the criterion.
Prabhupada: This is called maksi manda kanani. (?) A clerk was making a fair book from the rough book. So he went to the toilet room and he was... Like this. So all of a sudden his boss came: "What you are doing here?" "Sir, I am trying to capture one fly." "And why?" "No, I am making the fair copy of the book, but in the original book, there is a fly smashed. (laughter) So I have to paste one fly." There are such fools. Maksi manda kanani. "There is a fly, paste. So in the fair copy, there must be a fly, paste." [break] Yes. Unless there is pujari, what is the meaning of temple?
Jayapataka: Separate?
Prabhupada: Yes. That is actual temple.
Jayapataka: Well, they'll be so many brahmanas being made.
Prabhupada: Hare Krsna.
Jayapataka: Everything... Even he includes Buddha and Kalki.
Hari-sauri: All the incarnations as well.
Jayapataka: I... In the last...
Prabhupada: Dasavatara.
Jayapataka: Fifty-three avataras.
Prabhupada: Fifty-three?
Jayapataka: Yes, I don't..., he..., fifty-three, know why.
Prabhupada: How many avataras are there mentioned in the Bhagavata?
Hari-sauri: About twenty-six or something like that.
Jayapataka: Twenty-five, twenty-six.
Hari-sauri: Twenty-five or twenty-six. And then all the Visnu expansions.
Jayapataka: They needed twenty-four Visnu expansions and then the incarnations in the Bhagavatam.
Prabhupada: Twenty-six? That is Vaikuntha. Anyway... [break] Yes, planetarium...
Devotee (4): Temple and planetarium.
Prabhupada: Yes.
Devotee (4): "World's largest planetarium and Temple of Understanding."
Prabhupada: No "Understanding" simply Vedic "Temple of Vedic Planetarium," That's all. We shall show the Vedic conception of planetary system within this material world and above the material world. [break] We are going to exhibit the Vedic culture throughout the whole world, and they'll come here.
Jayapataka: The whole world will be coming here to...
Prabhupada: Yes.
Jayapataka: ...visit.
Prabhupada: Just like they come to see the Taj Mahal...
Hrdayananda: Yes.
Prabhupada: ...the architectural culture, they'll come to see the civilization culture, the philosophical culture, the religious culture by practical demonstration with dolls and other things.
Jayapataka: And we'll be advertising that all over the world.
Prabhupada: Yes.
Hrdayananda: It is a perfect plan.
Prabhupada: Yes.
Jayapataka: There can be a model of that temple in every temple all over the world.
Prabhupada: Yes.
Jayapataka: So then people can... Then advertising, "Come here."
Prabhupada: Oh, yes. Actually it will be an unique thing in the world. There is no such thing all over the world. That we shall do. And not only simply showing museum, but educating people to that idea.
Hrdayananda: Preaching.
Prabhupada: Right. With factual knowledge, books, not fictitious. (end)
>>> Ref. VedaBase => Morning Walk -- February 27, 1976, Mayapura
© 2001 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Dedicated To Supreme Scientist

Los Angeles, June 22, 1975
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Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Prabhupada: Brahmananda is not come? Nobody knows why? [break]Devotees: He was in mangala aratik.
Tamala Krsna: He was not dancing very much, though. So maybe he was not... [break]
Radha-ballabha: Here comes Brahmananda.
Prabhupada: How he comes? (laughing) He is running. Oh, another car?
Bahulasva: Yes. [break]
Tamala Krsna: This not like Juhu.
Prabhupada: Yes. [break] ...Maharaja feeling separation of mayapur.
Tamala Krsna: It's transcendental.
Prabhupada: He has constructed Mayapur. This is very good. Asaktis tad-vasati-sthale. If one becomes attracted in the place of Krsna -- place of Krsna everywhere -- especially where His lila was performed... So Brahmananda, why late today?
Brahmananda: I was in the temple, chanting.
Prabhupada: Oh.
Brahmananda: I didn't think you would come so early.
Prabhupada: It is early?
Brahmananda: Well, earlier than yesterday.
Prabhupada: No, I don't think. What is the time?
Tamala Krsna: Ten minutes to six.
Jayatirtha: Yesterday you left about 5:40 and today you left exactly at 5:30. So...
Brahmananda: I came just after you left.
Prabhupada: I think your watch is slow. (laughter) [break] ...actual time now?
Jayatirtha: It's 5:51.
Prabhupada: Hm? What is my?
Jayatirtha: Your's is about one minute faster.
Prabhupada: And what is your?
Brahmananda: 5:53.
Prabhupada: Fast. [break] my childhood, I remember, I went to see football match in the Maidan.
Tamala Krsna: Calcutta Maidan.
Prabhupada: Yes. So when I was returning -- of course, I was walking -- throughout the whole... At that time our house was that Mullik's house. So from Maidan to Mahatma Gandhi Road I came. And all the watches throughout the road, the same time. Means every watch was, every clock was wrong. But I was going, so I, suppose I saw 5:10 here, then few steps away, 5:10, 5:10, 5:10, like that.
Bhavananda: Not any more.
Prabhupada: Huh?
Bhavananda: In Calcutta it's not that way any more.
Prabhupada: That's very strict in time?
Bhavananda: No, every clock is hours off. (laughter) From each other.
Prabhupada: Hours? (laughs)
Bhavananda: Hours.
Prabhupada: Hare Krsna. [break]
Tamala Krsna: I think in Los Angeles it is always...
Prabhupada: Always.
Dharmadhyaksa: The month of June, Prabhupada, in California is very cloudy. [break] It was one of the few days that it was sunny.
Prabhupada: Hawaii is clear. Hawaii is clear. Every day we used to see sun.
Jayatirtha: Very beautiful there.
Tamala Krsna: India is like that also.
Prabhupada: [break] ...sinners.
Revatinandana: I think it is a joke, though.
Jayadvaita: Then again commit sins. They'll repent and commit them again.
Prabhupada: Oh yes. Atonement.
Tamala Krsna: Whenever we meet the Christians, they always say that "It doesn't matter because Jesus came to save us from our sins. So now it doesn't matter because we're saved."
Prabhupada: Then Jesus is a fool, and he has taken contract to suffer, and these people are free to commit sin.
Dharmadhyaksa: Jesus actually said...
Prabhupada: And they are so clever that they can make God's son also fool. Over-clever.
Dharmadhyaksa: [break] ...always said, "Your sins are forgiven you, go and sin no more." He always gave that injunction, "Go and sin no more." [break]
Prabhupada: no description of sins in Bible? What are the sins?
Tamala Krsna: Killing, adultery, stealing. They mention it.
Jayatirtha: There are Ten Commandments.
Prabhupada: That is.
Dharmadhyaksa: Worship of demigods. They also say, "Putting any god in front of the one Supreme God." Worshiping matter. [break]
Tamala Krsna: In Berkeley there's this one demon, so-called Christian, and every day he comes out and he stands behind us with a big sign that "You will not achieve anything by your mantras and meditation." And he calls us idol worshipers. And now he writing these big signs, "Don't chant Hare Krsna with them." He chanting... He's writing, "Hare Krsna," and he's telling... (laughter)
Prabhupada: You charge, "Why you are chanting?" [break]
Tamala Krsna: [break] he stands behind us for two hours to three hours of kirtana. He's becoming one of our men now. (laughter) [break]
Revatinandana: ...used to do that but he never came around. He used to be out there every day in Los Angeles for years.
Dharmadhyaksa: Prabhupada? The father of the H-bomb, the man who developed the H-bomb, he retired a week ago, and he said he was very sad that the young people were becoming disgusted with science nowadays, and all the young scientists, they are not as good as the old scientists. They have no desire any more really.
Revatinandana: Edward Teller?
Dharmadhyaksa: Yes. Teller retired.
Prabhupada: Who is he?
Dharmadhyaksa: His name is Edward Teller.
Prabhupada: So what he is?
Revatinandana: He's famous for inventing the H-bomb. He invented the hydrogen bomb.
Revatinandana: Hydrogen bomb. He was the main inventor.
Prabhupada: Oh.
Dharmadhyaksa: Srila Prabhupada, there was a survey of these psychologists, young psychologists, and they asked them whether or not they would like to do research. And the vast majority of the psychologists said no, they don't want to do any research. They don't like to do research because it's all a joke. They don't prove anything. They figure it's a waste of time. [break]
Prabhupada: ...nasau munir yasya matam na bhinnam:" You cannot become a philosopher unless you disagree with other philosopher." Nasau munir yasya matam na bhinnam. [break] ...something drown?
Sudama: Yes, they destroyed an amusement park there, and that got stuck in the water.
Prabhupada: Oh. Why destroy?
Sudama: No one was coming any more.
Prabhupada: All amusement finished.
Sudama: Yes.
Dharmadhyaksa: They did that to get insurance money?
Prabhupada: [break] ...they are becoming disappointed in science, philosophy, amusement. That is good sign. [break]
Dharmadhyaksa: ...we go to colleges, the young people that are working on Ph.D.'s, they are very... (laughs) They say, "We're doing all this research but you can't prove a thing." I ask them, "Well, this experiment, you know, what will it prove?" He says, "Well, it indicates this, it indicates that, but really doesn't prove anything."
Prabhupada: (laughs) It proves only that he's a fool. That is the only...
Dharmadhyaksa: I talked to a very nice Indian gentleman. He's a life member. He's a young Ph.D. in chemistry, Dr. Bhatt. He dedicated his Ph.D. thesis to Krsna.
Prabhupada: Accha?
Dharmadhyaksa: Yes. And he quoted isvarah paramah krsnah sac-cid-ananda-vigrahah [Bs. 5.1]. And I asked him, "What is the practical result of your research?" He said, "Maybe in twenty years they'll find some way to use the research that I am working on."
Prabhupada: So he has dedicated to Krsna, very good. [break] ...also dedicated, our Dr. S..., yes, to Krsna.
Dharmadhyaksa: I was very surprised. I was at his home, and I opened it up, and it said "Dedicated to Sri Krsna, the Supreme Scientist." He quoted Brahma-samhita. [break]
Prabhupada: Dr. Wolfe also believes in Krsna very strongly.
Tamala Krsna: You had a talk with him yesterday?
Prabhupada: He said "I believe in Krsna unconditionally."
Tamala Krsna: What is his specialty?
Prabhupada: He is a linguist, Ph.D. in linguist.
Tamala Krsna: Oh, linguistics.
Prabhupada: Yes.
Bahulasva: Dr. Judah also says like that, Srila Prabhupada.
Prabhupada: Accha?
Bahulasva: Yes. He was coming to hear Visnujana and Tamala Krsna do kirtana, every day at Berkeley. He said he liked to come and hear the chanting very much.
Tamala Krsna: Yeah, he comes every day.
Bahulasva: He was very impressed with the bus. He was seeing Radha-Damodara bus. He was very impressed.
Revatinandana: So whenever a devotee visits him, he is very pleased to see the devotees come and visit him also.
Prabhupada: Yes.
Revatinandana: At his office.
Prabhupada: Yes.
Tamala Krsna: He's a devotee. Nice devotee.
Prabhupada: Yes.
Revatinandana: He's been also to Mayapur, I think, and Vrndavana, and he's associated with you before. So he's had a lot of good association.
Prabhupada: Yes, he saw Tirtha Maharaja, Bon Maharaja.
Tamala Krsna: Yes, he met them.
Bahulasva: He told me that if he was not so entangled with family life, he would want to take sannyasa.
Prabhupada: (laughs) He is family man?
Bahulasva: Yes.
Prabhupada: No, so what is the anxiety? We can take charge of their family. How old he is?
Bahulasva: He's about sixty-five. He's just getting ready to retire. He's retiring this year.
Prabhupada: So retire.
Dharmadhyaksa: He's in very good health, Srila Prabhupada.
Bahulasva: We spoke with him that when we incorporate Berkeley temple as a university, he can be affiliated with that, and he thought that would be very nice.
Prabhupada: Oh. So let him help that our center be affiliated.
Bahulasva: Yes. We were thinking if it was, if it pleased Your Divine Grace, maybe he could teach one class in his book, and we can have some students come there.
Prabhupada: That will be very nice.
Bahulasva: That would be all right?
Prabhupada: Oh, yes.
Dharmadhyaksa: There's this one psychologist. He comes every week to study Krsna consciousness, and he plays some of the bhajana tapes in his office. And there's twenty doctors in his office, and he plays it so all the doctors can hear. And they all come in and ask him, "What is that wonderful music?" He says, "Oh, this is from the Hare Krsna movement." He says, "No, that can't be from the Hare Krsna movement. They just chant and dance on the street the same thing." He says, "No, no, no, this is the Hare Krsna movement." They are very, very pleased. He gives all his patients mantra cards and tells them, "You should go to the temple. This will really help you." [break]
Prabhupada: This is nudie beach?
Tamala Krsna: The nude beach.
Revatinandana: It used to be.
Bahulasva: ...on one side
Revatinandana: At one time they made it legal to be nude here, and then later on, they repealed the law again.
Jayatirtha: Venice? It is still nude, Venice Beach.
Revatinandana: Is it still? Really.
Jayatirtha: You can either come wearing clothes or not wearing clothes to this beach.
Tamala Krsna: Lucky we come early.
Sudama: Just like the monkeys.
Revatinandana: Oh, it was in Laguna that they repealed it.
Prabhupada: But why, then, the lavatory they have made distinction for woman and for men?
Tamala Krsna: Now in the colleges there's no more distinction.
Jayatirtha: Co-educational bathrooms.
Tamala Krsna: One bathroom. One residence, one bathroom...
Revatinandana: The boys and girls live in the same residence on the same floors and use the same bathrooms. Practically there is no restriction on the association. They're not married.
Tamala Krsna: Congress just passed a law that the health education, means the gym, gymnastic classes... Every day there's physical education class?
Prabhupada: Yes.
Tamala Krsna: Must be co-educational. They must be. They passed a law like that.
Dharmadhyaksa: Soon they'll get so disgusted with this association, they'll all want to become brahmacaris.
Revatinandana: When we noticed that this amusement pier was torn down, I didn't think that it meant that they were less interested in amusement, but they have become more degraded in their approach. The amusement pier... They come here instead to be naked on the beach for their amusement. Or they stay home and use intoxicants mostly. That is increasing. [break] a prostitute house. And almost every place they are, not even one part of the city anymore, but you see them everywhere.
Prabhupada: The woman gives massage?
Revatinandana: Yes. Always advertising, "Beautiful young girls to massage you."
Dharmadhyaksa: This is open prostitution now. They advertise very, very, very badly.
Bahulasva: We had a hearing in Berkeley for our temple, whether or not we could live there, and some neighbors were saying that "These Hare Krsna people are no good because they don't have any sex life and don't take any intoxication."
Jayatirtha: "They hate sex, they hate women, they hate drugs..."
Bahulasva: They said, "They are too pure. They will make this whole place... They'll take over this whole place."
Devotee: "They'll convert the whole neighborhood."
Dharmadhyaksa: "They're trying to subvert and infiltrate our philosophy into their neighborhood."
Prabhupada: So they are coming to know what we are. (laughter)
Woman: (in distance) Hare Krsna!
Prabhupada: Thank you very much.
Mexican Woman: Good morning.
Devotees: Hare Krsna!
Prabhupada: Good morning.
Revatinandana: The Mexican people are always a little appreciative. They naturally believe in God.
Prabhupada: Give them invitations. Today is Sunday.
Bahulasva: Yes, Cit-sukhananda is speaking with them.
Prabhupada: No, you have no card? Love feast card? Give them, that "come."
Jagannatha-suta: Jayatirtha has one. [break]
Prabhupada: our enemy, it means Hare Krsna is acting upon him. Yes.
Bahulasva: Like Kamsa.
Prabhupada: Yes. (chuckles) Kamat bhayat krodhat. Either for lust desires or out of fear, out of anger, some way or other, if one is attached to Krsna, his life will be nice. So enemy means krodhat, being angry upon us. "These Hare Krsna people does like that." So he is angry. But that will also be effective. Krodhat.
Tamala Krsna: Krsna is so merciful.
Prabhupada: Yes.
Revatinandana: One day in London a woman came to try to drag her daughter from the temple. She came into the temple room with her shoes on, and one devotee... She would not remove her shoes, so the devotee pulled off her shoes and she fell down. It was almost like she bowed down. She became so angry, she was shouting in front of the Deities, and I dragged her out and had to wrestle her out of the temple, literally wrestling with her to get her out the door. And she came back in with a policeman, and she pretended to have a fainting spell because we had beaten her so badly, she said. And so she said, "Get me some water," but we didn't have any water, so we have her some milk prasadam, and she drank it without thinking what it was. And so in so many ways -- she saw the Deities, she had prasadam, and then she left again, and all this, completely out of anger, but her anger was so strong that she got a lot of association because of it. She was so energetic, I think she could become a devotee some day. [break]
Tamala Krsna: America from India. They are so much impressed, Srila Prabhupada. But the most impressive thing for these life members is to come to America and see our institutions. They have letters of introduction. They don't want to live in the temple generally, but they come to see.
Prabhupada: The other, that member, the same?
Tamala Krsna: Different men. I know. I made these men life members in Bombay, and I happened to be in Washington D.C. when they came there. And they attend the aratis, you know. It's very nice. They are very, very impressed.
Revatinandana: When Kartikeya Mahadevia came to America some time back, he remarked to me that he had come to see all the sights like the Grand Canyon and like that, but primarily he seemed, now he was just simply going from temple to temple because the temples were nice. Nothing else was so nice as he expected.
Bahulasva: Some life members came to San Francisco, and we picked them up in this Mercedes.
Tamala Krsna: Yes, that's him, that same man.
Bahulasva: And they were so impressed that we had such a nice car for greeting the life members. (laughter)
Tamala Krsna: They talked about that. It's the same man I met in Washington D.C., Mr. Poddar.
Bahulasva: Mr. Poddar, yes. They said, "Oh, this is the life member car."
Prabhupada: One gentleman came to see me in Hawaii. He's also life member.
Harikesa: Ramesh Lahoti.
Tamala Krsna: Oh, Mr. Lahoti. Yeah, actually...
Prabhupada: Yes, he knows you very well.
Tamala Krsna: Yes. Actually, that plan to have a tour is a very good plan if it can be arranged. Because if they get convinced here by seeing this, then, when they go there, they'll speak so highly to so many people.
Prabhupada: Yes, yes.
Tamala Krsna: I think that they think that we're bluffing to some extent, but when they come here, they see actually it's not just the pictures that we are showing, but there's something substantial behind the picture. [break]
Dharmadhyaksa: ...the colleges and high schools now that the teachers appreciate the philosophy much more than the students. They have more brain substance, and it's even a possibility many of them will actually become devotees if they have more association because devotees are practically the only intelligent people that they ever get to talk to. Even the other members of the faculty, they are not so intelligent to talk to them. But we went to see one philosopher. He's written seventeen books and he's a distinguished professor of philosophy. We talked to him for three hours, a very famous... His books are used all over the country. He said, "My philosophy is closest to this Hare Krsna philosophy, after you've explained it to me." He will be coming back. He's going on tour. He's retiring. We're also going to try to get him to come to Berkeley.
Revatinandana: Is that the one at Pomona College?
Dharmadhyaksa: No, this is another one at U.S.C., University of Southern California.
Prabhupada: So some professors wanted to see me?
Jayatirtha: Yes. In fact, one is coming over this afternoon.
Brahmananda: Today two are coming.
Dharmadhyaksa: Actually at the University of Southern California around three or four members of the religion department want to come, including the chairman.
Prabhupada: So let them come. [break]
Bahulasva: ...yesterday that Indian gentleman, Dr. Singh? He had become very doubtful when you told him they didn't go to the moon. He was saying, "Do you think they really didn't go?" (laughter) He never thought of that before, that they might have just made a show.
Prabhupada: No. If we believe in our Bhagavata, they have not gone. It is above the sun planet, 1,600,000 miles above. How they can go?
Bahulasva: Srila Prabhupada, at night, when we see in the sky that moon, that is the same moon that is above the sun?
Prabhupada: Yes.
Bahulasva: Yes? So their miscalculations are due to their imperfect senses.
Prabhupada: Yes.
Bhavananda: Srila Prabhupada, I told Madhava dasa in Atlanta that you had said that the sun is actually closer than the moon, and he immediately was able to prove that that is correct. He sat down and he, "Oh..." He was able to prove something by the way they are measuring... They are measuring the distance incorrectly in terms of bending light rays and straight light rays.
Prabhupada: Oh.
Brahmananda: Sometimes the moon comes in front of the sun.
Prabhupada: What is the front?
Brahmananda: Between the sun and the earth the moon comes.
Jagannatha-suta: Lunar eclipse.
Prabhupada: No, no. Eclipse is different, not according to their theory. That planet is called Rahu.
Devotees: Ah yes.
Tamala Krsna: It's not the moon. That's Rahu.
Revatinandana: So Rahu covers sometimes the sun and sometimes the moon?
Prabhupada: Yes.
Bahulasva: This Rahu planet's invisible? We cannot see this with our eyes?
Prabhupada: Yes. Why you believe your eyes so much? (laughter) Nonsense eyes.
Dharmadhyaksa: There's this psychology book, and he says that the light spectrum is this long, and that we can see this much of the spectrum of energy. Very nice, this book makes many points that agree with Krsna conscious philosophy.
Bahulasva: So, Prabhupada, you say that these astronauts have gone to the Rahu planet.
Prabhupada: Yes, they might. That is also very difficult.
Bahulasva: I was trying to arrange a meeting between Your Divine Grace and this astronaut, Dr. Mitchell, and also this other famous scientist, Werner von Braun. But they are on the east coast at this time, so they couldn't come. But they both wrote nice letters that they would like to meet you if they could be in California at the same time.
Revatinandana: This von Braun is a big rocket scientist from the old days. He designed the V-2 missile in Germany during World War II, and then he designed the American missiles during the space program.
Prabhupada: What benefit he has done?
Revatinandana: Well, he's recently said... He retired, and he said now he thinks the only purpose of life is to research about God, to find out about God. He's very famous, so...
Prabhupada: That is good. They have finished already science. Now if they do not come to God, then they are finished. They have nothing to say any more. Athato brahma jijnasa. That is Vedanta. Now they have finished all their so-called talent. Now they have to come to brahma-jijnasa, inquiry about the Supreme. That is their concern now. Now they have cheated public and bluffed them, they are going to this, going to this, but they are all failures. Now they are anxious how to keep their position. That is the problem.
Bahulasva: They get lots of money for their position, Srila Prabhupada.
Prabhupada: Because if they are not employed by government with big, big salaries, who will care for them, scientists? Hundreds of scientists may wander or walk in the street. Who will recognize him unless he has got money? I have seen in India. So many scientists are loitering in the street without any employment. Who cares for them?
Dharmadhyaksa: They will have to go on welfare, Prabhupada, pretty soon.
Tamala Krsna: But a saintly person, even he has no money, people care.
Prabhupada: Yes, yes. [break] ...Pandita says, vidvat tvam ca nrpatvam ca naiva tulyam kadacana: "A rich man, or a king, and a learned man, learned vidvan, they should not be compared. There is no comparison." Why? Sva-dese pujyate raja. "A rich man or a king may be worshiped in his kingdom," vidvan sarvatra pujyate, "and if a man is learned, he will be worshiped everywhere." Therefore, he says, "Never compare with rich man with learned man."
Bahulasva: Therefore it's very important that all the devotees study your books so they become learned.
Prabhupada: Yes. Yes. Anarthopasamam saksad [SB 1.7.6]. This is the learning only, to keep them saved from this illusory material energy. [break] ...means knowledge, and this Bhagavatam is the essence cream of Vedas. Nigama-kalpa-taror galitam phalam [SB 1.1.3]. Nigama means Vedas, and this is the galitam phalam, ripened fruit of the tree.
Dharmadhyaksa: Srila Prabhupada, there's one professor... [break]
Prabhupada: ...drags the home. [break]
Jayatirtha: No. Maybe he is. I think in, he was in Switzerland or some place. [break]
Prabhupada: ...make research about God. Somebody told me?
Brahmananda: Yeah. Dr. Werner von Braun. That has been his conclusion now, at the end of his career. He is interested in meditation and self-realization. (end)
>>> Ref. VedaBase => Morning Walk -- June 22, 1975, Los Angeles
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